“Church Ministry Evaluation Survey”

As Pastor, I am interested in your evaluation of our church’s ministry. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to take the time necessary to complete this survey. In this assessment, you will see a list of activities or tasks. Please answer 1, 2, or 3 for each task.  Thank you for your participation.

Effectiveness as a Church

How successful do you think this task is being performed?
1 = not very effective, 2 = average effectiveness, 3 = very effective
Please consider both the quantity (how much) and quality (how well) when evaluating the effectiveness. If you feel you don’t have sufficient information to make a judgment, do not circle a number.

I.  Public Worship Ministry

1. Helping you participate in worship with:

II.  Personal Care Ministries

III.  Organizational and Administrative Ministry

IV.  Personal Education and Outreach